AFFSC Members' Page
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George by e-mail.
The AFFSC, an unincorporated Canadian association, was officially formed at its 1st Annual General Meeting held on April 21st, 2001. Membership is primarily drawn from former Communicators who served with the Canadian Department of External Affairs (DEA) and/or Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT). The mandate of
the Association can be found in the preamble to it's by-laws:
"(a) to maintain communications among former communicators and friends
(b) to provide information of the activities of former communicators and friends
(c) to encourage efforts to build a historical record
(d) to organize social activities
(e) to co-operate with other organizations/associations in providing information
(f) to be supportive and helpful where possible to the welfare of former communicators and friends."

The purpose of these web pages will be to provide a central resource for communicating the business and activities of
the Association to the world at large. It will also serve as a place to display and maintain information about ongoing initiatives,
projects and activities of the Executive of the Association and it's members.

AFFSC Board of Directors:
President - George McKeever
1st Vice-President - Barrie Thomas
2nd Vice-President - David Smith
Treasurer - Eleanor Ryan
Secretary - Howard Abbott
Where are they now? - Current Activities, News, Stories and Photos from our Members
Travels with Barrie and Val |
© 2001, 2007
McKeever / Laurenzerberg IceWorks
Last Updated January 9, 2007
Some Rights Reserved. Please refer to the legal fine print on the home page of this web site.
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