Dear friends and former CM colleagues

This months newsletter had such good stories that I didn't wish to give up space for this additional piece. This addendum will be mailed to all former CM's for whom we have addresses. It's purpose is to encourage each of you who have not already done so to consider joining our little group of AFFSC members and become part of an association for which a number of your former colleagues expend some time and effort.

A number of you have asked "what do we get for our ten dollars ? ". The snappy answer would be "not much" but this would not be accurate. First off, the newsletter is designed to be: a) your personal forum for telling your personal experiences in the days of CM's (and this edition personifies that view), b) for keeping up with our colleagues, and c) for whatever purpose you, as members would like it to serve. In addition, your ten dollars serves a very wonderful purpose and that is the new and improved website ( that George McKeever has spent so much of his free time putting together. With it's new features such as a guestbook interface, a list of all CM's and up to the minute updates on what's happening in the world of retired CM's or those who went on to fill another role in the working world, it is a real winner in our view.

The monies we receive from you pay for newsletter printing/mailing and website costs Any "surplus" funds will benefit each of you personally. Anyone who attended the first CM Reunion in September of 2000 must agree it was a wonderful occasion. Current planning is beginning to focus on a 2nd CM reunion in 2003 and any funds we have in the kitty can perhaps be utilized toward this endeavour.

Frankly, your participation is far more than a yearly fee of ten dollars. It is in belonging to a group who shared experiences together as we worked to produce a first class communications system. All those shifts, all those stories, all those laughs. That's what the AFFSC is about and here is your chance to be a part of it. So go ahead, send in your application (available on the web site), along with a ten dollar cheque to: Ms. Eleanor Ryan, 124 Fourth Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2L4 and join the group. We would love to have you belong.

Your newsletter editor on behalf of your executive

David R.L. Smith

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© 2002 George McKeever / Laurenzerberg IceWorks / Last Updated February 1, 2002

 Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in this document are those of the AFFSC webmaster and members alone. If you use any of the information in this document, it is at your own risk, we will not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss.